Terms and Conditions

Our aim is to ensure that the Pre-School is a constantly developing community of children, staff and parents. We are committed to providing a happy, safe and secure environment in which each child can develop at his/her own pace. Parents/Guardians are expected to give their support and encouragement to the aims of the Pre-School. These terms and conditions relate to the contract between the Pre-School and the Parent/Guardian.


Children will be considered for entry to the Pre-School when a completed registration form has been returned to the nursery with the registration fee of £40. This is a non-returnable fee.

Offer of a place

Once the offer of a place is made a deposit of £100 for a full time place and £50 for a part-time place shall be requested to secure your child’s place within the Pre-School. This deposit shall not be returnable unless eight weeks’ notice to withdraw your child has been given in writing to the Pre-School Manager. This deposit is held until your child leaves the Pre-School and is not part payment towards your fees.

When your child’s place is confirmed the days attending will remain the same and can only be changed with written notice to the Manager and dependent on availability. The Manager will liaise directly with you regarding any changes to your regular attended days and confirmed in writing.
No swaps are available. Once a place has been offered you are required to give eight weeks’ notice or you will be charged for your place.

Standard Terms and Conditions

Acceptance of a place is on the basis that changes may be made from time to time to these standard terms and conditions, to the level of fees and to the curriculum and services. Notice of any change will be given as soon as practicable but on occasions it will be less than one month.

Opening Hours

The Pre-School opening hours are from 07:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday to Friday, for 38 weeks of the year spread over three terms Autumn, Spring and Summer. We are closed over half terms, Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays, and for all Bank holidays.

We offer School Day, Morning and Afternoon sessions for children that are over two years old. The School Day session is from 7:30am to 3:30pm, Morning sessions are between 07:30 am – 12:30 pm, the Afternoon sessions are from 12:30pm – 3:30pm.

We are neither registered nor insured outside these times. Parents must collect by 12:30pm if attending in the Morning session or by 3:30 pm if attending the Afternoon and School Day sessions. Additional hours are available on request.

If you know you are going to be late, please can you arrange for somebody else to collect your child and telephone the Pre-School to inform us of who will be collecting, along with a description and password, so that the staff are aware of who to expect. A charge for late collection will be made.

The Child's Health

Parents must inform the Pre-School if the child has a known medical condition or health problem or has been in contact with infectious diseases. The child must not be brought to the Pre-School if s/he is unwell or requires Calpol or any Ibuprofen. If the child is given Calpol they must refrain from pre-school for 8 hours.

Parents / Guardians Authority

In Loco Parentis: The parents authorise the Pre-School to act in loco parentis in all respects. Parents/Guardians consent to the use of such physical contact with children as may be lawful, appropriate and proper for teaching and to provide comfort to the child in distress or to maintain safety and good order. Parents/Guardians consent to emergency medical treatment including surgery and /or general anaesthetic, if certified necessary by a doctor and if Parents/Guardians cannot be contacted in time.

Calculation of Fees

The child’s weekly attendance fee is multiplied by 38 (the number of weeks in a year that the Pre-School is open) and divided by 9 to give the monthly payment. The nursery closes on all bank holidays, half terms, Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays.

Fees cover the normal curriculum together with breakfast, morning and afternoon snacks for School Day sessions but not lunch.Parents need to provide a nutritious packed lunch. Morning sessions fees include a morning snack and afternoon session fees include an afternoon snack. Extra curricular activities may be charged for separately but will be with the parent’s consent. Nappies, wipes and barrier creams are to be provided by the parent. Fees will not be refunded or waived for absence through sickness or holidays or for any other cause.

Payment of Fees

Payment of fees shall be made monthly in advance on the first day of the Autumn (September), Spring (January) and Summer (April) terms as well as the first day of October, November, February, March, May, June by standing order. If fees are outstanding for more than 7 days, then the Nursery will reserve the right to add a £10.00 charge for late payments. If the fees are still outstanding and no attempts have been made to settle the account the nursery reserves the right to terminate the contract. Such items will be recoverable by action if necessary by our Debt collection agency.

Responsibility for payment

Fees are the joint and several responsibilities for each person who has signed the Registration form.

Fees and extras

The child’s weekly attendance fee is multiplied by 38 (the number of weeks in a year that the Pre-School is open) and divided by 9 to give the monthly payment. The nursery closes on all bank holidays, half terms, Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays.

Cancellation / Termination of the contract

Once we have received your registration form and a confirmation letter is completed, we will contact you to arrange settling in sessions for you and your child/children. If you no longer require the space, or wish to reduce your attendance, we would require eight weeks of notice in writing. Failure to do this will result in eight weeks’ fees being charged.

In the event of a Parent/Guardian withdrawing a child immediately the Parent/Guardian shall still be due to pay the eight weeks’ fee’s in lieu of notice.

Rowlands Avenue Pre-School reserves the right to terminate a child’s place with immediate effect if a serious breach of these terms and conditions occurs or if the termination of a place is considered by Rowlands Avenue Pre-School, in its absolute discretion, to be in the best interests of the Pre-School and/or the continuing welfare of the other children at the pre-school. There would be no refund of fees in these circumstances but the deposit will be returned and fees in lieu of notice would not be charged.

Persons acting in a suspicious manner, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or displaying offending or aggressive behaviour will be removed from the pre-school property and dealt with accordingly.  Any parent, who displays any of the characteristics detailed above, may result in their child’s place at Rowlands Avenue Pre-School being terminated, with immediate effect.

Baby-Sitting for clients

Parents/carers are discouraged from asking staff to baby-sit outside pre-school hours . This is a contract between parent/carer and the member of staff and the pre-school no responsibility.

If a member of staff is asked to take a child home out of nursery hours it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that the driver has appropriate insurance that the car is roadworthy and that car seats are available. The nursery requires written confirmation from the parent/carer of the child being taken home by a member of staff.

Employing Staff

If a member of staff, either whilst employed or within three months of leaving Rowlands Avenue Pre-School  is recruited by a parent/guardian of a child who has attended the nursery, the said parent/guardian will be liable to pay Rowlands Avenue Pre-School the equivalent of the last two months gross salary of the said member of staff.

Weather restrictions / Act of god

If the weather becomes severe or causes us to have concern for the welfare of the children or staff, we will call and ask for parents to collect their child from the pre-school. No refund will be made in this event.

Settling Sessions

Children are approximately given two settling sessions before they start at the pre-school. The first is accompanied by the parent /guardian for about ½ hour, the second session requires the parent to leave the child for about an hour depending on the child.


We accept no responsibility for any loss suffered by parents, arising directly or indirectly, as a result of the Pre-School being temporarily closed or the non-admittance of your child to the Pre-School for any reason, this applies to absence due to sickness, holidays and Bank Holidays. We accept no responsibility for children whilst in their parents care on Pre-School premises, i.e. prior to arrival or after pick up. We will not be liable to parents and/or children for any economic loss of any kind, for damage to the child’s or parents property, for any loss resulting from a claim made by any third party or for any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind. We will make reasonable endeavours to keep parents and / or children’s property in good order. Liability for damage of such property is excluded except where caused by our negligence.


The Pre-School undertakes to maintain those insurances which are prescribed by law. All other insurance is the responsibility of the parent. It is also the Parents/ Guardians responsibility to ensure that all children’s clothes are labelled and that no items of value are taken into the Pre-School. No responsibility will be accepted for the loss or damage of items.

Special Precautions

The manager must be notified in writing immediately of any court orders or situations of risk in relation to the child for which any special precautions may be needed.

Learning Difficulties

Parents/Guardians will be notified if it appears to the Pre-School  that the child may have learning difficulties. Our staff are not qualified to make a medical diagnosis.

Concerns / Complaints

Parents/Guardians who have cause for concern must inform the Manager without delay.


Any waiver of these terms and conditions is only effective if given in writing by or on behalf of the Manager.


This contract is governed by English Law.

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